Photos professional organizers should never show.

Don’t post this.

Pictures serve as a baseline of where you started with your organizing client. They're a handy reference tool and are useful at the end to ensure you've met your stated goals. Photos are handy if you need to buy materials or containers.

I recommend that your website not use before-and-after photos.

No two projects are the same. The problems, materials, and goals will vary from any other project. It’s apples and oranges.

Comparing one client’s project against another’s—while showing that they’re not alone—won't really be helpful to anyone. It does, however, open the door to potential clients’ judging. Sometimes they’ll judge themselves as worse than anyone else. Sometimes better. Neither informs them positively.

Instead, create the vision!


I recommend having an FAQ about why you’re taking photos. You'll explain that you’ll do so only with permission. Most importantly, promise that they will never be published for public consumption.

Then find beautiful photographs that create a vision for your client. Give a sense of possibility. A chance for them to see the calm that comes from an organized space so that they want to experience it for themselves.

A photo never gives the whole story. Organization isn't only about putting everything in its place. It’s about improving productivity. It’s what happens behind the scenes that’s most important.

Find more information on my process on my WORK WITH ME page.

Ready to talk about your new site? Schedule your consultation call here.


Clean website design for a modern, uncluttered look.

Improve your website’s SEO: Use Meta Descriptions.


My Favorite Rule.